
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

kickin' it

News of the US Women's World Cup win on Sunday has us kickin' it up. Talk about triumph!

In 2014 when British photographer Mandy Barker put out a call for footballs, we were bereft. We wanted to contribute to her effort and although we had boxes of balls we had no World Cup style "footballs." Then as serendipity or fate would have it, just in time we found one soccer ball that we sent along with some of our American "footballs." Read our blog post here about our luck of the find.

Her planetary-space inspired photographs of the balls captured the public imagination. When her images went viral, we were thrilled to see our Kehoe Beach ball included. Her acclaim continues as her fine work was featured in Smithsonian Magazine, May 2015.

Fueled by women's soccer fever, we recently caught up with Mandy to wish her continued success. Go team!!!

And lest we forget the importance of Title IX and the boost it gave to girl's and women's sports, read our blog post here.