
Sunday, September 1, 2019

FraU Magazine

There were deep bows and formalities when the editor, writer and photographer from FraU, a Japanese fashion magazine for working women, arrived at Rancho D. They were here to spend a day documenting our project for the September issue Change the Ocean that would feature us and our Art From Drifted Waste. We talked for hours while the photogrpaher roamed the place taking hundreds of photographs, then we headed to the beach for more.

私たちが利用しているビニール袋、ストロー、ドリンクカップなどのプラスチック製品の多くは使い捨てられ、やがて海へ漂流します。この海に流れ出たプラスチックごみが与える影響は……? 具体的な数字とともに紐解いていくと「他人ごとではない」 と思うはず。

Google translates: 
Attractions [1]
How is the sea now? 
Many of the plastic products we use, such as plastic bags, straws and drink cups, are disposable and eventually drift to the sea. What is the impact of plastic waste flowing into this sea? □ When you unravel with specific numbers, you should think “not everybody else”.