
Friday, April 24, 2020

Trash to Treasure

Since the COVID-19 sheltering-in-place directive and the closing of schools we have been teaching an online class to grandkids Clementine and Aloysius. We are always on the lookout for resources we can use to enrich what we have to offer. The latest newsletter from the American Visionary Art Museum prompted us to poke around on their website. We were super excited when we eventually ended up on the Visionary Activities page that is 
chock-a-block full of virtual experiences including an engaging tutorial on how to make Critter Crayons. 

Plus! plus! we discovered the fun fab Trash to Treasure activity that, to our great delight and surprise, features our beach plastic project.

What a good idea!!! We will give it a try with Clem and AO. Come on kids, it’s trash to treasure time. We have plenty of both.

So glad that the date for the The Secret Life of Earth show has been extended on in to 2021. We will get through this COVID-19 thing and will soon be down to earth and out and about again.