
Sunday, April 25, 2021

Earth Day goes...

For Earth Day 2021 there was plastic adventure aplenty at the San Anselmo Co-Op Nursery School.

We began our presentation with a few words about Earthrise considered to be the most influential environmental photograph ever. That image was one that got Earth Day started. For the kids, no further prompt, no extra nudge needed, just pile on the plastic and away they go.

Gray goes green...
then Gray goes Paris Red...
Richard AKA Gramping goes...

Gray's Dad Eli, turned out to be the most avid journal-er of Richard's three kids on a 1996 European Extravaganza (Venice, Prague, Hamburg, Paris). Richard had given each a bound journal and Eli completed his with a page of glued-in trash for indexing each location...Paris=red, Venice= blue etc...

Around here we call this a fine example of "Art-Mind" hard at work finding visual mnemonics so to shape experience. "I love our family," says Richard...just wait...