
Monday, April 4, 2022


What fun to be out and about for the ReImagine Gala at the Randall Musuem. After the long days of Covid sheltering and restrictions we were renewed and reenergized. We are at the ready for more. With old friends and new — such a grand opening.

We agree with curator Lady Bee when she said, it’s time to revamp our ideas of the commercial art world and repurpose the use of resources — making reuse the new norm…Plus, the artworks in ReImagine give us so many other re’s to add to the familiar Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. They are a testimony to the power of the imagination to envision and revision creative responses to the complex environmental challenges we face. 

We were delighted to find the restore, reset, reclaim hats in our swag bags giving us yet another reason to put on our sustainable thinking caps and keep the sounds of recreation reverberating.

We tip our hats in thanks, to recognize everyone who worked so very hard to make the afternoon resounding success. 

We are revved with love and gratitude. 






