Sunday, April 25, 2021

Earth Day goes...

For Earth Day 2021 there was plastic adventure aplenty at the San Anselmo Co-Op Nursery School.

We began our presentation with a few words about Earthrise considered to be the most influential environmental photograph ever. That image was one that got Earth Day started. For the kids, no further prompt, no extra nudge needed, just pile on the plastic and away they go.

Gray goes green...
then Gray goes Paris Red...
Richard AKA Gramping goes...

Gray's Dad Eli, turned out to be the most avid journal-er of Richard's three kids on a 1996 European Extravaganza (Venice, Prague, Hamburg, Paris). Richard had given each a bound journal and Eli completed his with a page of glued-in trash for indexing each location...Paris=red, Venice= blue etc...

Around here we call this a fine example of "Art-Mind" hard at work finding visual mnemonics so to shape experience. "I love our family," says Richard...just wait...

Tuesday, April 20, 2021


Our long and wonderful association with the Center for the Arts & Religion at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley began in 2015 when we were invited to be "artists-in-residence" at the Doug Adams Gallery at the Badé Museum of Biblical Archeology. We chronicled that project in our blog Forever Plastic: Finding Meaning in the Mess. HERE. Over the years we have been invited to contribute to their newsletter, keeping faculty and students up-to-date about our various doings.  

April 20, 2021: we were the Spotlight Feature HERE 


Spring 2021: Our musing on Murmurations — an image that expresses our "look toward the future" on  Turning the Page. 

Update May 18, 2018:
When asked, "Where are they now?"
We answered HERE

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Enviro-Art Gallery 2021

The Enviro-Art Gallery is an annual Duke showcase of student and professional artwork designed to highlight the beauty and struggles of nature. It presents art as a call to action, working to connect people to places, ecosystems, and international experiences of nature through engaging visual dialogues. 

The Enviro-Art Gallery is going VIRTUAL and GLOBAL this year. There is a virtual gallery space filled with environmental artwork from around the world, testimony videos and art process videos. Throughout April, they are hosting a series of “receptions” or speaker sessions touching on environmental degradation, environmental and culture, and environmental solutions around the world.

We are thrilled to contribute to this awesome project.

Check out 

our page HERE

the Gallery HERE 

the speakers HERE