Yum and yum again at the Randall Museum.
Café Josephine with its jaw dropping view of the San Francisco skyline offers a jaw dropping menu of fresh-daily soups, salads and sandwiches. The food is worth the trip plus the latest exhibition Food for Thought offers much to ponder as we consider the environmental impact of what we eat and how.
After enjoying sandwiches on the deck, we meandered through the museum interacting with the kid-friendly activity stations that encourage healthy choices for ourselves and for health of our planet
The Ocean's Food Buffet was serving up a tasty selection of plastic and to our great surprise used the photo of Judith in her red rain coat midst a mess of plastic washed up on to Kehoe Beach. IMAGINE IF THIS WAS YOUR LUNCH.
Oceans of Plastic. Yes, we've got it. We were pleased to see how the museum design team put our fishing nets, bottle, bags and pieces of plastic to use and how they took to heart several of our messaging suggestions. Giving museum goers and us plenty of food for thought.